Friday 4 November 2011

Wondang-Ki Charitable Foundation - Girl's orphanage and adoption centre


& Specialised Adoption Agency
NAGALAND: CONTACT: 9436078403.

Preamble: WONDANG-KI CHARITABLE FOUNDATION,(the word “Wondang-Ki” means house of light in Naga Lotha dialect), is a Registered Charitable Society under the Nagaland Societies Registration Act No: H/RS – 1766 Dt. 27/08/2001. The society which is charitable by nature is designed to give “hope to the hopeless and home for the homeless” with its motto ENTRUSTED TO TRANSFORM LIVES.” The Society runs a model orphanage and an adoption centre.

1. The Origination of Wondang-Ki NEW LIFE Children Home:
The need to have an orphanage was first felt in August 1999 while I was studying  M.Th. at South Asia Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) in Bangalore. In the process of an interview to write my thesis entitled, “Pastoral Response to HIV/AIDS with special reference to the state of Nagaland,”  I met families who were suffering with HIV/AIDS, children whose parents were dying due to AIDS. God spoke to me through these families whom I met , I was immensely moved and I felt the urgent need to have a caring home for such children.

Surprisingly, on my graduation night of March 6, 2000 United Evangelical Mission- India, asked me to work for them and to start a children Home in Nagaland.  This   confirmed God’s will to work for the least fortunate children which was a “U” turn in my ministry as I was involved in  Pastoral ministry.  Soon, New Life Children Home (NLCH), was established in Dimapur during 2001 with 20 children, later in the year 2006, I resigned from the mission with a new vision for orphan girls in the State.

2. A New Vision and Establishment of Wondang-Ki
    Model orphanage for Girls:
In the process of working for the destitute children since 2001, I had come across two significant and challenging situations for which I had committed to bring transformation. Following were the two situations:

  1. During my 6 years(2001-2006), working for the orphans it was observed that the girl orphans are more vulnerable then the boys, as every one wanted to keep them in their homes with the motive to make them domestic helps and in most cases they are deprived of their basic needs and further exploited in varied ways. Thus, the organization began a model orphanage exclusively for girls to give avenue for them to TRANSFORM their lives by providing best facilities and quality education for a better future.

  1. Secondly, in my service for the least fortunate children during the past 6 years, I had visited several children homes and  found many are running their homes exceedingly well, however, many are run in a very pathetic conditions. What I observed had troubled my innermost being and tremendously motivated me to bring REFORMATION in the children homes. While many children homes are run well, most of the children homes seems to exploit and deprived these children. They are denied of basic needs and even their fundamental rights as children, they are not given quality education, in fact, they are sent to school for name sake having no time to study.

With these two concern, in order to protect and provide better facility to the girl orphan girls and also to bring  reformation in the present children homes in Nagaland “WONDANG-KI MODEL ORPHANAGE,”  was established in the year 2007.

3. WONDANG-KI  MOTTO: “Entrusted to Transform Lives.,”
We take enormous responsibility to see that an orphan girl who comes to us is well taken care of to ensure that a new ray of hope for a better future is given with the best of education, facilities and opportunities that will prepare them to be confident enough to face other children coming from well to do families.

4. WONDANG-KI  GOAL: A Home That Strike A difference From the Rest,”  
while we work to transform the lives of those who are admitted to Wondang-Ki Orphanage we also have a serious concern for children who are denied of their rights as children in other children homes. In order to create a sense of competitions among the children homes for the benefit of children we set a goal to run Wondang-Ki par-excellence as a model for others to emulate us so that other children whom we can not accommodate will ultimately be benefited.

A. TO TRANSFORM the lives of the least fortunate children who do not have
     parents to have a new ray of hope for a better future by  providing;

i).    affections, caring, discipline, and teaching Spiritual values.
ii).   quality education to make them great leaders and responsible people 
iii).  To bring  transformation and peace to our society by caring these unfortunate
       children  who otherwise may become anti social elements .
iv). Bring up the underprivileged children and help them to grow with right attitude to
        life with confidence and without inferior complex.
v).  To nurture them physically, mentally and spiritually to make right decisions in life          
        and to face the challenges positively with confidence.
  Thus, Wondang-Ki Charitable Foundation’s works with its motto,
                    “ENTRUSTED TO TRANSFORM LIVES.”

B. TO REFORM-  While many orphanages and children homes are run exceedingly well it is also observed that there are many children homes and orphanages where children are further exploited, deprived and neglected. Education and health are not their concern, thus, the fundamental rights of children and their basic needs are denied. As a model orphanage Wondang-Ki works with a motto, “A Home That Strikes A Difference From The Rest,” with the motive to create a sense of competition among the children homes and the orphanages for the benefit of the least fortunate children.

6.THE OBJECTIVE OF THE ADOPTION AGENCY: To place an orphan (surrendered/abandoned) into a good family to ensure security and a bright future

To provide issueless couples the opportunity to have children in their homes

To save the lives of new born babes who otherwise are aborted or thrown away at birth.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Wondang-Ki orphanage & Specialised Adoption Agency

NAGALAND: CONTACT: 9436078403.

Preamble: WONDANG-KI CHARITABLE FOUNDATION,(the word “Wondang-Ki” means house of light in Naga Lotha dialect), is a Registered Charitable Society under the Nagaland Societies Registration Act No: H/RS – 1766 Dt. 27/08/2001. The society which is charitable by nature is designed to give “hope to the hopeless and home for the homeless” with its motto ENTRUSTED TO TRANSFORM LIVES.” The Society runs a model orphanage and an adoption centre.

1. The Origination of Wondang-Ki NEW LIFE Children Home:
The need to have an orphanage was first felt in August 1999 while I was studying  M.Th. at South Asia Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS) in Bangalore. In the process of an interview to write my thesis entitled, “Pastoral Response to HIV/AIDS with special reference to the state of Nagaland,”  I met families who were suffering with HIV/AIDS, children whose parents were dying due to AIDS. God spoke to me through these families whom I met , I was immensely moved and I felt the urgent need to have a caring home for such children.

Surprisingly, on my graduation night of March 6, 2000 United Evangelical Mission- India, asked me to work for them and to start a children Home in Nagaland.  This   confirmed God’s will to work for the least fortunate children which was a “U” turn in my ministry as I was involved in  Pastoral ministry.  Soon, New Life Children Home (NLCH), was established in Dimapur during 2001 with 20 children, later in the year 2006, I resigned from the mission with a new vision for orphan girls in the State.

2. A New Vision and Establishment of Wondang-Ki
    Model orphanage for Girls:
In the process of working for the destitute children since 2001, I had come across two significant and challenging situations for which I had committed to bring transformation. Following were the two situations:

  1. During my 6 years(2001-2006), working for the orphans it was observed that the girl orphans are more vulnerable then the boys, as every one wanted to keep them in their homes with the motive to make them domestic helps and in most cases they are deprived of their basic needs and further exploited in varied ways. Thus, the organization began a model orphanage exclusively for girls to give avenue for them to TRANSFORM their lives by providing best facilities and quality education for a better future.

  1. Secondly, in my service for the least fortunate children during the past 6 years, I had visited several children homes and  found many are running their homes exceedingly well, however, many are run in a very pathetic conditions. What I observed had troubled my innermost being and tremendously motivated me to bring REFORMATION in the children homes. While many children homes are run well, most of the children homes seems to exploit and deprived these children. They are denied of basic needs and even their fundamental rights as children, they are not given quality education, in fact, they are sent to school for name sake having no time to study.

With these two concern, in order to protect and provide better facility to the girl orphan girls and also to bring  reformation in the present children homes in Nagaland “WONDANG-KI MODEL ORPHANAGE,”  was established in the year 2007.

3. WONDANG-KI  MOTTO: “Entrusted to Transform Lives.,”
We take enormous responsibility to see that an orphan girl who comes to us is well taken care of to ensure that a new ray of hope for a better future is given with the best of education, facilities and opportunities that will prepare them to be confident enough to face other children coming from well to do families.

4. WONDANG-KI  GOAL: A Home That Strike A difference From the Rest,”  
while we work to transform the lives of those who are admitted to Wondang-Ki Orphanage we also have a serious concern for children who are denied of their rights as children in other children homes. In order to create a sense of competitions among the children homes for the benefit of children we set a goal to run Wondang-Ki par-excellence as a model for others to emulate us so that other children whom we can not accommodate will ultimately be benefited.

A. TO TRANSFORM the lives of the least fortunate children who do not have
     parents to have a new ray of hope for a better future by  providing;

i).    affections, caring, discipline, and teaching Spiritual values.
ii).   quality education to make them great leaders and responsible people 
iii).  To bring  transformation and peace to our society by caring these unfortunate
       children  who otherwise may become anti social elements .
iv). Bring up the underprivileged children and help them to grow with right attitude to
        life with confidence and without inferior complex.
v).  To nurture them physically, mentally and spiritually to make right decisions in life          
        and to face the challenges positively with confidence.
  Thus, Wondang-Ki Charitable Foundation’s works with its motto,
                    “ENTRUSTED TO TRANSFORM LIVES.”

B. TO REFORM-  While many orphanages and children homes are run exceedingly well it is also observed that there are many children homes and orphanages where children are further exploited, deprived and neglected. Education and health are not their concern, thus, the fundamental rights of children and their basic needs are denied. As a model orphanage Wondang-Ki works with a motto, “A Home That Strikes A Difference From The Rest,” with the motive to create a sense of competition among the children homes and the orphanages for the benefit of the least fortunate children.

6.THE OBJECTIVE OF THE ADOPTION AGENCY: To place an orphan (surrendered/abandoned) into a good family to ensure security and a bright future

To provide issueless couples the opportunity to have children in their homes

To save the lives of new born babes who otherwise are aborted or thrown away at birth.